My neighbours are being noisy, what should I do?

Noise nuisance is unfortunately one of the most impactful complaints we receive. Issues with neighbours often occur where household schedules clash, or when one-off events, like social gatherings, cause disturbance.   It is common that tenants and neighbours can resolve issues of noise nuisance themselves, without the issue needing to escalate.
Effectively addressing noise nuisance with a neighbour:

Choose a suitable time to talk, ensuring it’s convenient for both parties.   Keep your tone calm and polite, avoiding confrontation.   Clearly express the specific issue, focusing on the facts rather than subjective accusations.   Share how the noise is affecting your daily life and emphasise the importance of a peaceful living environment for everyone.   Propose constructive solutions or compromises to address the noise problem. This could include suggesting specific quiet hours, relocating certain activities, or implementing noise-reducing measures. Listening actively to your neighbour’s perspective is crucial; they may not be aware of the impact of their actions, and understanding their viewpoint can contribute to a cooperative resolution.
Where can I seek additional support:

When a resolution cannot easily be reached, we are here to help. Be prepared that we might ask: You to keep a diary of noise nuisance issues.   To approach to the neighbour(s) you have a grievance with.   To provide any evidence you might have (a recording or video of the instance).   To agree a compromise which suits both parties. If Pickard Properties is unable to help you resolve a noise nuisance issue amicably, we will signpost you to where additional support can be sought, including the local authorities.

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