Rental homes at Spinning Acres

Use the buttons below to go to each property page. A range of property types and options are available, enough to find your perfect home.

One, two, three, four and five-bedroom homes

At Spinning Acres there’s a home to suit everyone, no matter your stage in life

Homes at Spinning Acres reflect a passion for good design, exceptional quality and the utmost attention to detail.

New accommodation styles are released to the market whenever each new phase becomes available – so there’s a fabulous range of homes to rent.

All are specifically tailored and personalised to suit renters at different stages of their lives, and all are available either furnished or unfurnished, to suit your needs.

There are one-bedroom refurbished apartments and one-bedroom new build apartments; two-bedroom refurbished apartments and two-bedroom new build apartments; a two-bedroom detached and converted Stable block called Boll House; two types of four-bedroom town houses built across three floors with gardens, called The Bobbins and The Spindles and there’s also a five-bedroom detached family home – The Yarn.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, key worker, young professional, recent retiree, downsizer or family in between house moves or jobs, it is hard to find a more attractive or exclusive rental development in the city than Spinning Acres.

And at the heart of it all is a two-acre village green which can be used by residents to chill out or enjoy a range of activities, which are yet to be confirmed, but likely to include Tai Chi, yoga, dancing, plays, choral events and carol singing at various times throughout the year.

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